The gates of the basic logic are divided into seven types, Not gate or XOR gate, the NAND gates, the XNOR . The truth table is used to display the Gate Logic performance. All logic gates have two entrances except nine gates and only one entrance.
There are mainly three type of basic gate some of them are mention below :
And gates
And gate is and electronic circuit ,which provide true output (1) only when all the input are true and produce false output (0) when at least one input is false.
logical expression =A * B

OR gate
OR gate is and electronic circuit , which produce true output (1) when at least one input is true and produce false output (0) only when all the input are false.
logical expression =A+B

NOT gate
Not gate is and electronic circuit, which produce true output (1) when the input is false (0) and Produce false output (0) when the input is true (1)
logical symbol =A`

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