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What is principle of potentiometer ? Explain how would you use it to determine internal resistance of cell.

What is principle of potentiometer ? Explain how would you use it to determine internal resistance of cell.


A potentiometer is a sensitive electronic device used to measure cell, find internal resistance of cell and to compare the e.m.f of two cells.


When a constant current is passed through a wire of uniform area of cross- section the potential drop across any position of wire is directly proportional to the length of that portion.
i.e., V=IR = I× PA
V∞ 1 for constant 'A' and 'I'
This is the working principle of potentiometer
V=Potential difference
I = Current
R=Resistance of wire
A = Cross sectional area of wire
p = Resistivity

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Determination of the internal resistance 'r' of cell by using potentiometer

An external resistance 'R' is connected across parallel to the AP cell. When the key 'k' is open i.e., open circuit; there is no current flowing through 'R' and P.D is equal to 'E' of cell. In this condition, the balancing length is l1. If 'L' is the total length of wire. Then,

E=l1/L *VO
where, Vo is the potential difference across whole length.
When key 'K' is closed, i.e., circuit is closed so that current flows through resistance 'R' as well the jokey gives new balancing length l2. The p.d. "'V' in this case is equal to potential drop across 'R'. So,
V=L2/L *v0
Dividing equation (1) by (2), we get,

Hence, by knowing the value of L1, l2 and R, the equation (4) gives the internal resistance of the cell by using potentiometer.

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  1. admin
    January 15, 2014 at 10:00 pm

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