Terms of Use
Welcome to AskBlur and thanks for read our Terms and Conditions of Use.
If you are thinking to post a question/ answer or article on AskBlur, it is important that you read the following information:
1. Guidelines for Behavior
We at AskBlur create a friendly and safe environment for all our users and this Guidelines for Behavior has been created with this in mind. Although we welcome diverse opinions, your contributions to the site must comply with our rules of Behavior:
Posting any comment, post, or answer that is abusive, hateful, racist, bigoted, sexist, harassing, threatening, inflammatory, defamatory, knowingly false, vulgar, obscene, pornographic, or that in any other way contravenes applicable laws, rules, or regulations is prohibited by AskBlur rules.
Users who violate these rules guidelines risk having their postings removed, having their registration revoked, and having their email address banned.
2. General Terms & Conditions
Askblur acts as a question and answer to exchanges between public members by sending questions and answers.
You can also post a link to your blog on AskBlur, providing that we approve of the content and images displayed there in.
When using the AskBlur question and answer service, please be aware that the answers provided are not necessarily correct, and that AskBlur are not responsible for any consequences resulting from your reliance on any AskBlur service. AskBlur question and answer should never be used as a substitute for seeking advice from a qualified professional.
By submitting a question to AskBlur, you acknowledge that AskBlur is not responsible for any answer or advice you receive or do not receive, and you further more agree not to hold AskBlur responsible for any loss, harm, injury or damage resulting or arising from your submission of a question or your use of or reliance upon any response there to.
Askblur is concerned about the safety and privacy of all users, especially children under the age of 18. Remember that this service is designed to attract a wide range of audiences. Children under the age of 12 should not use Askblur (according to our use) and should be monitored by older children and have good guidance in our services. This is the responsibility of the parents and the legal guardian.
ASKBLUR has the right to change the terms of the site use at any time. ASKBLUR may also forbid users or delete or modify their assistance without their knowledge.
AskBlur will not tolerate the gaming or manipulation of systems for self- promotion, nor unfair point- or ratings-gathering. Users caught abusing AskBlur’s proprietary systems will be removed without notice.
3. Question Submissions
Upon submitting the “Ask a Question” form your question was posted auto but, the Site Editor will make a decision to either keep or delete your question, based on whether it offers the potential to provide useful information for others to respond to.
It is recommended that this question be written in English and at the end it creates a real question with a question and provide interesting answers to other users.
4. Answers Submissions
Upon submitting the “Add an answer to the above question” form, your answer will be post and public but retrieved by the Site Editor and either keep or delete if delete answer will be fully deleted from the question area.
Therefore, the responses are evaluated for quality and communication, so they provide more than a very simple answer to this question and are helpful in improving the user’s site experience, so they are rationally recognized.
Answers must relate to the question you are responding to. AskBlur does not allow the following under any circumstances: answers containing sexual, derogatory or racist wording; answers containing swearing or inappropriate use of language; answers which appear violent or aggressive; answers which may offend or discourage users.
6. Copyright Information
Anyone can view website information, but does not necessarily mean accessing, loading or using it. Website users may electronically copy or print parts of the website for personal and non -commercial use. Any other use, such as copying, modifying, distributing, sending, publishing, displaying, displaying or performing any content on the website, is generally prohibited.