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Explain the laboratory preparation of HCl with clean diagram ?

Explain the laboratory preparation of HCl with clean diagram ?

laboratory preparation of HCL in lab can be prepared by the heating of sulphuric acid and sodium chloride . sodium chloride (NaCl) and sulfuric acid (H₂SO₄) is mixed in a flask. Then Heat the mixture to approximately 150°C, allowing the hydrochloric acid gas (HCl) to be generated.


The laboratory preparation of hydrochloric acid is mention below :

In the laboratory, hydrogen chloride gas is prepared by heating sodium chloride with concentrated sulphuric acid.
NaCl + H2SO4

NaHSO4 + HCl (On gentle heating)
NaHSO4 + NaCl →Na2SO4 + HCl (On Strong heating)

Here, sodium chloride is taken a powdered form in a round bottomed flask fitted with a dropping funnel and delivery tube.
Conc. H2SO4 is poured in sufficient quantity so that salt is covered. At first, HCI and sodium hydrogen sulphate are formed and at red heat normal sodium sulphate and more HCl is formed. H2SO Sodium chloride HCl gas.
Hydrogen chloride gas is highly soluble in water. So, to prepare HCl solution care must be taken to see that the water is not sucked back into the generating flask. To avoid that, an anti-suction device is made by connecting an inverted funnel to the delivery tube with rubber tubing to the stem of the funnel dipped just under the surface of water in a beaker.

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  1. admin
    January 15, 2014 at 10:00 pm

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