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What is BIOS ? Explain it function with example?

The programs that a computer's microprocessor uses to boot up the system after switching on is called BIOS (basic input/output system). In addition, it controls the flow of data between the operating system (OS) of the computer and connected devices, including the printer, keyboard, mouse, video adapter, and hard drive.

Function of BIOS ?

BIOS identifies, configures, tests, and links computer hardware to the operating system soon after the computer is turned on. The boot process means a combination of these stages.

BIOS' four key functions do each of these tasks:

Power on self-test (POST). This shows the computer's hardware before loading the operating system.
Bootstrap Loader. This locates the operating system (OS).
Software/drivers. This locates the software and drivers that interface with the operating system once it is running.
Complimentary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) configuration. This is a configuration program that lets users change hardware and system settings. CMOS means the BIOS' non-volatile memory.


Gary Kildall, an American computer scientist, generated the word "BIOS" in 1975. It was integrated into IBM's first personal computer in 1981 and gained status in future PCs, becoming an essential component of computers for some time. However, the popularity of BIOS has declined in favor of a newer technology, the Unified Extensible Firmware Interface. In 2017, Intel suggested plans to phase out support for legacy BIOS systems by 2020 and replace them with UEFI


BIOS serves basically as a bridge between operating systems and the hardware on which they run. In theory, BIOS serves as a middleman between the microprocessor and the I/O device, controlling information and data flow. However, in some situations, BIOS can divert data flow to memory from devices, such as video cards, that require quicker information flow for functioning properly.


BIOS is included in computers as software on a chip on the motherboard. In contrast, an operating system, such as Windows or iOS, can be already loaded by the manufacturer or vendor or installed by the user individually. BIOS is a program that the microprocessor can access via an erasable programming read-only memory (EPROM) chip. When users power on their computers, the CPU transfers control to the BIOS program, which is always stored in the same location on EPROM.

When a computer boots up, the BIOS first scans to see if all of the essential attachments are present and operating. A boot device is any piece of hardware which holds the files required by the computer to boot up.

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  1. admin
    January 15, 2014 at 10:00 pm

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