What is the best way to learn HTML?
How do i create a web page using HTML?
Actually i want make simple web page for learning how do i do....
What is CSS?
Where can I practice my HTML, CSS, and JavaScript?
What is the difference between HTML and XHTML?
What is the doctype declaration in HTML?
Define function. What are the advantage of using function? How can we declare function? Write down its' syntax.
i want to know Define function. What are the advantage of using function? How can we declare function? Write down its' syntax. for [2+2+6] ma...
Explain structure with it's syntax ?
can someone tell me what is structure and it syntax ?...
Explain about call by reference and call by value with it suitable example?
In c programming what do you mean by call by value and call by reference ?...
Define structure and WAP to read student's name, roll no, and address, marks using structure of 5 students
I want program for read 5 student'name, roll, and address, marks using structure in c programming....
what are the formatted an unformatted function ?
someone tell me what do you mean bu formatted and unformatted function ?...