State and explain Newton formula for velocity of sound ?
State Bohr 's postulate of hydrogen atom ?
What is impedance ?
What is Galvanometer ?
Define mass Defect and Binding energy ?
What do you mean by Elastic limit ?
In physic what do you mean by elastic limit?...
State Coulomb 's law in electrostatic ?
State Faraday 's law of electrolysis ?
Define interference of light ?
State Hook's law ?
Define Coefficient of viscosity of liquid ?
State ohm's law?
What do you mean by philosopher wool ?
In chemistry what do you mean by philosophers wool ?...
What happen when gold is treated with aqua regia ?
What do you mean by ozonolysis ?
What is functional group ?
In chemistry what does it mean functional group ?...
Why graphite is called good conductor of heat and electricity ?
Anyone tell me about graphite why it conduct good heat...
Define alkaline earth metal ?
Define acid rain ?
Define allotropes of carbon ?
Define scalar product of two vector ?
Define vital force theory ?
Can anyone tell me what is vital force theory ? I forget what does it means ......
what do you mean by operational amplifier ?
oh i forget that what does it means that (Operational amplifier) can anyone help me what does it mean ?...
What happen when sodium is heated with ammonia ?
In my opinion my hardiest subject is chemistry special the chemical reaction .. SO anyone tell me what happen when sodium is heated with ammonia ...
Define collinear vector ?
vector is a easy chapter but what does it mean by collinear vector ?...
What is the formula to find the crammers rule ?
oh sit i have been forget the formula of crammer rule right now .. can anyone help me what is the formula please ......
What is Wheatstone bridge ?
Some tell me what is Wheatstone Bridge in physic ?...
What do you mean by green house effect ?
In the context of chemistry what do you mean by green house effect ?...
What do you mean by hardness of water ?
what does it mean the term hardness of water ?...
what is x-ray ?
Define surface Tension in the physic ?
Hello i am searching the answer of Surface Tension can anyone tell me ta exact answer ?...
Explain Faraday`s law of electromagnetic induction?
Define electric potential ?
In the physic what does it mean the term electric potential ?...
How a galvanometer convert into an ammeter?
when I search in the google i didn`t find the exact answer of how galvanometer convert into ammeter someone tell me what does it means ?...
What do you mean by elastic limit ?
what does it mean elastic limit in physic ?...
What is Lenz's law ?
What does it mean by Lenz 's law in physic ?...
State Dulong and Petit law?
I didn't find the exact answer in the google can somebody tell me of that answer ?...
Define Avogadro's hypothesis ?
what do you mean by Avogadro's hypothesis ? can any one tell me ?...
State faraday's second law of electrolysis
In the chemistry , what do you mean by faraday's second law of electrolysis ?...
Define the term Oxidation and Reduction ?
what is the exact answer of oxidation and reduction in the chemistry ?...
What is one way you can improve your life right now?
what is the way to improve your life ? can someone tell me ....
What is Dynamic memory allocation ?
In the c programming what do you mean by Dynamic memory allocation? can someone tell me that answer ?...
What do you mean by equivalent weight ?
In chemistry what do you mean by equivalent weight?...
State Modern periodic table ?
In the periodic table what is modern periodic table ? someone tell me the right answer in the comment section below:...
What is critical angle ?
In physic what do you mean by critical angle?...
Define acid and base on the basis of Bronsted concept ?
According to Bronsted concept what is the exact definition of acid and base ? can some one tell me in the comment section below;...
What do you mean by Radical ?
In the chemistry what do you mean by Radical ?...
Define Linear momentum?
In physic what do you mean by Linear momentum? If Any one know then please write your own answer in the comment section ;...
Define Keyword in c programming ?
In c programming what do you mean by keyword ?...
What are the rules for naming variable in c programming ?
In c program what are the rules for naming variable in c programming can someone tell me the exact rule ?...
What do you mean by Data Type ?
What do you mean by Data Type in c program can somebody know the answer ?...
What do you mean by Operator ?
In c programming what do you mean by operator ?...
Define programming language ?
In c programming what do you mean by programming language ? Can any one tell me the exact answer ?...
What is Tunnel Diode in electrical ?
In the electrical what do you mean by Tunnel Diode ? Is anyone know the answer please write the best answer in the comment section....
Tell me about yourself?
How to lose weight?
What was your favorite subject in school?
What was your favorite subject in school?...
What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
State Coulomb's law ?
In physic what do you mean by Coulomb's law ? can some one know ....
What is power factor in electric ?
In electric what do you mean by power factor can somebody tell me ta answer ?...
What do you mean by amplitude ?
In physic what does it mean by amplitude ?...
What do you mean by peak value ?
In electric what do you mean by peak value ?...
State Thevenin's Theorem ?
In electric what do you mean by Thevenin's Theorem ?...
What is the principle of Potentiometer ?
In physic what does it means potentiometer ? can someone known please answer the question below :...
define term of flip-flop? Explain different types of flipflop.
define arithmetic right register.
In digital logic what do you mean by arithmetic right register....
Define algorithm and flowchart in c programming ?
In c programming what do you mean by algorithm and flowchart? if anyone known please tell me ....
define arithmetic lift register.
Define LED display.
Define processor.
Define multicore processor.
These processor have 12 or more than 12 crore and used for high performance system. It is idea for data center, video rendering, AI and scientific ...
Define cpu frequency.
Define storage devices
What is cache memory ?
what do you mean by cache memory can someone tell me ?...
What is flash memory ?
what does it mean by flash memory ? can someone tell me the exact answer ....
What is Antivirus software ?
In computer what do you mean by Antivirus software ?...
What is conductor.
What is semiconductor ?
What is insulator?
What is PN junction diode?
what do you mean by PN junction diode ?...
State te principle of conservation of linear momentum.
What is lens marker formula?
What is simple harmonic motion?
In physics what do you mean by simple harmonic motion can anyone tell me the correct answer? ...
State parallelogram law of vector addition.
Someone state the parallelogram law of vector addition in physics ....
State law of conservation of energy?
The law of conservation of energy states that energy cannot be create or destroyed. It can only be transformed from one from to another the total e...
Explain seven segment display ?
In digital explain about seven segment display can someone help me to find the answer?...
What are the application of digital signal ?
what are the application of digital signal ?...
Describe ASCII code in detail ?
How to create a new Gmail account?
What is for loop ?
Define internet protocol with its type ?
What is moment of inertia?
In physic what do you mean by moment of inertia some one tell me ?...